Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Gardening Bug bit me.

The other day, I decided to start a potted garden. I have always really enjoyed gardening, partly because my mom and I would always plant flowers together when I was a kid. Now that I am older, I have discovered how much fun it is to do this on my own as well.

So, I went to Lowes, and picked out several plants, which I later put into some pots I already had.
Naturally, I also gave each plant a name. How could not; they all have distinct qualities, and each has its own pizazz.

This is Izze. The name just jumped at me when I saw her purpley-pink speckles.

This is Ramona. She is a baby orchid that has not bloomed yet. She'll be quite lovely when she does, though :)

These little green ivy plants are named Dori, Ori, and Nori.
(If you caught the reference to "The Hobbit", props to you.)

This orange speckled fellow is named Rico.

And here you have it.

I can definitely say that I have been hooked on gardening.

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